53 – development

Scope of Questions

  • A user writes: “The development was sketched out, but I refused to see it. My inability to have a healthy relationship let me only see myself, never community. Now there is this gap, I’m all alone.
    Actually there has been a gap since quite some time.”
  • A user: “We have fallen in love with each other, but he remains at a distance. What exactly does he want from me? Will we have a common future?”
  • Another user: “I do not know what to do. My husband has no interest in me anymore.”
  • A user describes his situation as follows: “My partner went to her homeland for a one-month holidays. Alone as I am now, I feel lost. My reason to come back from abroad to my homeland and to paralyze my doctorate studies was to be with her. And now she is far away from me. By other side, I feel that, if I do not define or find what I want to do (my career), I cannot go back. I feel fear. My question to the I Ching: What should I know?”*
  • A user asks: “How can I defeat the inner and outer demons (especially the inner ones) once and for all so that I no longer harm myself and others?”
  • A user spontaneously proposed to his partner on the phone. He then asked the I Ching what it could tell him about it. The answer: Hexagram 53 – the development.
  • One user has the following question for the I Ching: “Does the man I love also love me?” So far, the relationship has mainly taken place in her dreams, in reality there is silence.
  • A user asks: “Where is H. at the moment, how is she?”

*The I Ching’s answer was hexagram 45 – gathering together with changing lines 3, 4 and 6, which results in hexagram 53 – the development.

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/887877.htm