09 – the taming power of the small

Graphic hexagram 09“I, I, all I!” – Now it is me at the very center: all one with myself, concentrated, well rooted. That is the starting point. And from here, as soon as I feel ready to do so, I turn towards… the world.

What an immense variety of possibilities storms up on me! How in the world should I choose? What is right, what is important, what is superfluous? How should I make a choice? My head can help me: what corresponds to me? What is my path – and what possibly distracts me from my path?

Weiterlesen: 09 – the taming power of the small

10 – treading (conduct)

Graphic hexagram 10I was told two job stories these days. Both situations involve encroaching employers. In one case, extra (unpaid) hours are demanded with a flimsy justification; in the other, extra tasks were assigned that require extra work, which is then not paid. The I Ching‘s commentary in both cases is 10 – the treading.Weiterlesen: 10 – treading (conduct)

13 – fellowship with men

Graphic hexagram 13Our mental clarity, our ability to differentiate between important and unimportant, is the pivotal point of this hexagram. Our clarity allows us to analyze a situation and the various aspects it comprises: What are my options in this situation? Which of these options should I choose to achieve best results? What or who will help me, give me strength, promote my growth? What aspects of this situation are blocking me or lead me to a dead end in the long term? Sometimes it is enough to have just mental clarity. Sometimes, however, we must take action for the situation to develop and to gain momentum. Weiterlesen: 13 – fellowship with men

30 – the clinging

Graphic hexagram 30Is it good for me – or is harmful? How can I find out? The easiest method is probably: to try it out. But before marching off we should carefully examine the whole situation. Nothing is ever so new to us that we have no prior experience at all. What do we already know? What is the situation’s background? Well-being? Stomach ache? Weiterlesen: 30 – the clinging

37 – the clan

Graphic hexagram 37

Scope of Questions

I received the following inquiry regarding hexagram 37 – the Clan:

  • “I have been trying to start a venture. I have done research and know the field. But it all goes slow. I just keep feeling that something is not right. I am looking for a way to move forward.“

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/787877.htm

53 – development

Graphic hexagram 53

Scope of Questions
  • A user writes: “The development was sketched out, but I refused to see it. My inability to have a healthy relationship let me only see myself, never community. Now there is this gap, I’m all alone.
    Actually there has been a gap since quite some time.”
  • A user: “We have fallen in love with each other, but he remains at a distance. What exactly does he want from me? Will we have a common future?”
  • Another user: “I do not know what to do. My husband has no interest in me anymore.”
  • A user describes his situation as follows: “My partner went to her homeland for a one-month holidays. Alone as I am now, I feel lost. My reason to come back from abroad to my homeland and to paralyze my doctorate studies was to be with her. And now she is far away from me. By other side, I feel that, if I do not define or find what I want to do (my career), I cannot go back. I feel fear. My question to the I Ching: What should I know?”*
  • A user asks: “How can I defeat the inner and outer demons (especially the inner ones) once and for all so that I no longer harm myself and others?”
  • A user spontaneously proposed to his partner on the phone. He then asked the I Ching what it could tell him about it. The answer: Hexagram 53 – the development.

Weiterlesen: 53 – development

55 – abundance

Graphic hexagram 55

Scope of Questions
  • A user asks the I Ching the following question: “How should I deal with my lack of jobs – and the corresponding low income? Is there maybe something good about the situation?” The I Ching’s answer is hexagram 55 – abundance. A wonderful response to a question which relates to scarcity…
  • A user writes: “Two weeks ago I decided to separate from my wife after 13 years of marriage. My question for the I Ching is, ‘What situation am I in?’”
  • A user asks: “My only son is leaving the house. I am currently not working. How should I deal with the future emptiness?”
  • A user asks how his professional situation will develop for him.
  • A user wants to buy an old oil mill in Italy to renovate and use it as a domicile. But everything keeps continuously getting delayed, while he lives in the mobile home and waits. The answer of the I Ching: 55 – abundance.
    Weiterlesen: 55 – abundance

57 – the gentle

Graphic hexagram 57

Scope of Questions
  • A user writes: “I can’t go on, the situation is draining me, but fighting against it makes me even more tired and exhausted”. His question to the I Ching: “Is the attitude I agree, the answer?” The I Ching’s answer is 57 – the gentle.
  • A user asks, “How should I deal with the impulses, how do I center, what are my real intentions?”
  • A user asks, “Should I make a clear cut and work for a foundation?” Currently he is employed by an exploitative and inhumanly profit-oriented company, which he can hardly stand any more. Actually, his decision is made, now he hopes that everything will work out.
Weiterlesen: 57 – the gentle