Scope of Questions

For hexagram 28 – Preponderance of the Great users shared various – in part dramatic – situations with me. What is the common denominator? Eventually, how important it is, in the darkest moment, to be centered, to recollect on oneself: “I, I, all I!”
- One user asks the I Ching: “Will I meet the man, who I think I can love?”
- Another user asks: “How will my professional situation evolve?”
- “Will S. marry me one day?” is yet another user’s question. She knows the much older S. for several years now, the two have talked about marriage and children. However, so far S. made no move to implement anything of it, the two are not even in a relationship. Does S. just make the user wait?
- For quite some time now another user experiences her marriage as a dead end road; over the years she had a secret lover, a situation which made her suffer. Last year her son was severely injured in an accident, today the spouses together take care for the permanently disabled child. The secret lover has definitively quit. The marriage persists as an empty shell. The user feels stressed and unhappy in the current situation. For three years now, she intensively practices Qigong and Taiji.
- One user asks: “How is my professional career going?”
- One user writes: “I am currently in the midst of a real storm of change and presently have to take a decision regarding financial support and career direction. There are two ways to proceed. For one of the two options, the I Ching answers me with hexagram 28 – Preponderance of the Great. For the other, with hexagram 19 – Approach.”
The current interpretation can be found here: