05 – waiting

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip, but: I am all one with myself, I am entirely centered… All right? OK, so, again: I, I, all I, all centered, completely calm, rooted within myself. And right here-and-now I am turning towards… the world.

What a variety of possibilities! How on earth should I choose? What is right, what is important, what does (not) matter? My head may help me to sort it out: What corresponds to me? What distracts me from my path? Yet some cases remain undecidable, they lie beyond my intellect’s grasp: I simply do not know all the facts.

Weiterlesen: 05 – waiting

36 – darkening of the light

Scope of Questions

  • A user describes her situation as follows: “I feel lots of love for the children, the love for my partner, however, is gone. I wish it was different, but this is as things are now. I feel a great sense of duty towards my family.” Regarding this situation the user asks the following question: “How to proceed?” The I Ching responds with hexagram 36 – darkening of the light.
  • A user asks the I Ging: “What does she want me to do?”
  • One user asks: “What is the cause of the agonizing ringing in my ears? What can I do to deal with it better or can it possibly go away completely?” She writes that it is particularly bad when she is alone in her flat. She reacts very strongly to her environment and wonders which buttons are being pressed. Is it the feeling of abandonment? Is it the feeling of abandonment in the presence of another person?
Weiterlesen: 36 – darkening of the light

37 – the clan

Scope of Questions

I received the following inquiry regarding hexagram 37 – the Clan:

  • “I have been trying to start a venture. I have done research and know the field. But it all goes slow. I just keep feeling that something is not right. I am looking for a way to move forward.”
  • One user describes her situation and her question to the I Ching as follows: “I’ve had a new neighbour in the immediate vicinity for some time now, who is very loud, likes to party and is sociable. The situation is a real challenge for me because I overhear almost everything, friends, phone calls, parties, pets. Five months after she moved in, I tried to talk to her, but she reacted very angrily and said she didn’t want to restrict herself. My question to the I Ching is therefore: ‘Was it right to speak to her and what should I do now?'”
    The I Ching’s answer is hexagram 37 – the Clan, that later develops into hexagram 30 – the clinging.

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/787877.htm

38 – opposition

…and I return to the world: my (re-)birth!

What reactions do I get? What are the environment’s responses? Am I received with with open arms, listened to carefully? Or does nobody really care about what I have to say, preferring the old “me”? And, how do I respond? No, definitely not retelling the old, pleasing stories. But: my true story. Anything else would result in a false life and we know: there is no right life amidst wrongs.

Weiterlesen: 38 – opposition

39 – obstruction

Scope of Questions

A user suffers from not having any real contact with people. She asks the I Ching: “What will arise for me from keeping a dream diary? I do have the impression that it will work for me – and that perhaps it will even help me to bridge stagnation and isolation.” The idea of possibly publishing her diary and thereby accepting her life as it is has something redeeming, liberating for her.

Weiterlesen: 39 – obstruction

40 – deliverance

Scope of Questions

Sometimes unexpected twists arise from what initially gave us uneasy feelings. Especially when we examine ambiguous emotional states with a clear head: are these gut feelings actually related to the current situation, to the here-and-now? A cool head may bring liberation. And gut feelings may cause avalanches. In any direction.

I received the following comments regarding hexagram 40 – Deliverance:

Weiterlesen: 40 – deliverance

48 – the well

Scope of Questions

  • A user asks the I Ching about his entrepreneurial orientation and several times (!) he receives hexagram 48 – the Well as an answer. More precisely his question refers to the criteria by which he should make future professional and business decisions. Should he concentrate on more conventional criteria (security, pay) or rather on his personal beliefs (ethics, philosophy) and interests (development, innovation)?
  • One user asks: “Will I have a relationship with my first lover?”
  • A user asks: “Why is it always me who listens and who gives – without ever being listened to, without getting anything myself?”
  • One user asks: “Will my partner find his way back to me after the separation and can I be a positive part of his future project? Because so far my strengths have not been recognized and I don’t feel integrated. Do I need to take more initiative or let go?”
Weiterlesen: 48 – the well

54 – the marrying maiden

Scope of Questions

The Marrying Maiden – what a programmatic title! Although hexagram  54 – The Marrying Maiden most probably speaks about beginnings (beyond partnership!) in general, I have received the corresponding request:

  •  A user asks: “What is the current state of our connection: Will we have a relationship?”
  • One user describes her situation as follows: “I’ve been in a relationship for seven years now. We are opposites, we are both dominant, we are no strangers to arguments… Nevertheless, we always find our way back to each other and the topic of marriage has been on the table for a long time. My question to the I Ching: ‘How should I behave in this partnership, which I often feel is a struggle?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/778788.htm

63 – after completion

Scope of Questions

  • A user would like to give up his (breadwinning) job and fully devote himself to a literary activity. His specific question: “In what situation I’m in right now?”
  • A user works as a lecturer and strongly identifies with the contents of her teaching. On one hand she want to share her experiences with her students. On the other hand she wants to give her students room to make their own experiences. She asks: “How can I find a balance?”
  • A user asks “How am I doing with handling this emotionally difficult experience?”

You can find the current interpretation here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/787878.htm