04 – youthful folly

Hexagram 04 – youthful folly is auspicious, the judgement states: “Youthful folly has success…” But that only is true as long as we follow the path of the DAO, the way of the world – rather than to forcing our way onto the world. Or, as most usual, hand control over to our autopilot: unconscious control mechanisms and automated action patterns that may have had validity long time ago but that may be meaningless here and now.

Weiterlesen: 04 – youthful folly

08 – holding together

Scope of Questions

  • A user asks, “Where are my limits?” The I Ching’s answer is 08 – holding together.
  • A user asks, “What happens if I sign the license agreement now?”
  • A user receives hexagram 8 – holding together regarding his situation, which is characterized by great physical and psychological pain.
  • A user asks the I Ching: “How will I feel if I buy this house and live there?” She explains further: “On Monday, I have to decide whether I want to buy a house or not. And as this is a very far-reaching decision, I’m afraid of making the wrong choice. My current living situation has become unpleasant since I have a 16-year-old living below me who parties from Friday night to Sunday night. Reading a book or meditating has become difficult, trying to talk to the parents has failed. I don’t want to fight, I just want to live in peace.”
  • One user asks: “How do I behave sensibly in view of the current zeitgeist and my life situation?”
Weiterlesen: 08 – holding together

16 – enthusiasm

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm I received a couple of questions concerning quite different issues:

  • “How should I interpret my physical symptoms?”
  • “What point am I at right now?”
  • “Without success, I can not keep living. But success always includes some failure. How can I deal with this?”
  • “What do I have to give up to be happy?”
  • A user asks the I Ching about a medical procedure.
Weiterlesen: 16 – enthusiasm

20 – contemplation

Here. Now. At this moment it is wise to withdraw into our own root. To withdraw from the world. To turn our gaze inwards. Just as a plant does in winter. To do nothing. This moment belongs to us alone. We draw strength. Like a wave, which stretches back into the sea, concentrating its energy. And even though it may look as if we surrender – we do not surrender. We gather our strength. We focus our energy. In non-action (Wu Wei) we are provides with everything we may need at this moment. Incidentally letting go of a few old, unnecessary things / thoughts / attitudes… before we powerfully rush back into life.

Weiterlesen: 20 – contemplation

23 – splitting apart

Here and now… where exactly am I – and with whom or what do I share this here-and-now?

Kun is navel gazing. It is a call to retreat to our own origins as a source of power and to calm down. But what does it look like, this intimate place, our inner source of strength? Do you like what you see? Does it give you strength – or it is just a collection of things (or people, or options, or, or), which creates an illusion of security? Things never give security. And at worst they clutter and block our lives.

Weiterlesen: 23 – splitting apart

27 – providing nourishment

Scope of Questions

So far I received the following inquiries regarding hexagram 27 – Providing Nourishment:

  • A user asks: “What I should do regarding a man, who I would like to know better?”
  • For more than a year now a user is dealing with all kinds of challenges: selling her home, finding an apartment, a new job, a new partnership. She asks: “What else should and/or must I do?” She suffers from the situation’s uncertainty and constantly encounters blockades. And: slowly she feels very exhausted.
  • Cooperating with a smug and manipulative colleague is putting a strain on a user. So far, she could protect herself and concentrate on her job’s core tasks. But her colleague regularly disturbs her. She refuses to engage in games or fall into her old patterns as a victim. How can she be true to herself and gain respect in her professional environment?

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/788887.htm

35 – progress

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 35 – progress I received the following inquiries:

  • A user asks: “If I won the jackpot this week: How do I deal with the all that money?”
  • Another user asks: “What kind of approach / working method is best suitable for my artistic work?”
  • Another user wants to know what to expected “in terms of love, career and [his] life as a whole” in the upcoming year.
  • One user receives hexagram 35 – progress as a comment to his situation which he describes as follows: “I am heartbroken, financially broken and in deep depression. I am in love with NR, but she left me for no good reason.”
Weiterlesen: 35 – progress

41 – decrease

Scope of Questions

So far I received various questions regarding hexagram 41 – decrease:

  • A user asks: “Was it just my own thought … or did I really hear his voice?”*
  • Another user would like to buy a nice condominium, but is not yet sure if he should do so. His question to the I Ching: “What happens if I buy the condo?”
  • One user describes himself as a person full of mental blockades. However, these began to loosen up recently. His question now to the I Ching is: “How do I get closer to a new professional vision?”
  • A user asks: “How can I fulfill my life path/soul path?”
Weiterlesen: 41 – decrease

42 – increase

Scope of Questions

In the context of hexagram 42 – Increase users share the following concerns with me:

  • A user analyzes his current situation as follows: “Nothing is at stake and it was not an ego-driven decision of my will that made me come here.” This results in his question: “If nothing is at stake: How can I live here and now in the most pleasant way?”
  • Another user asks: “Shall I build my consulting activities on the I Ching and use the hexagrams?”
  • A user asks: “After a long search, a friend told me that a room will become available at her place. I accepted. But then she offered that we could also look for something new together. My question to the I Ching is: ‘Should I move in with my friend?'”
  • One user asks: “What situation am I in at the moment and what will help me?”
  • A user asks: “Does S. still love me?”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/788877.htm

45 – gathering together

Scope of Questions

  •  A user asks what exactly is meant by “lesson learned” in contemporary interpretation. His personal life situation: paradisaical abundance, tempting offers – and he immediately would like to accept everything. His question to the I Ching is: “What should I do?”
  • A user describes her situation as follows: “I am very interested in a man, who is – unfortunately – quite prominent. However, I would like to meet him.”
  •  A user asks the I Ching: “What can I do to calm down and stay focused?” Her financial situation scares her, makes her freeze up and prevents her from doing things and getting things done. She would like to better prepare and communicate her offers so that her products are noticed and bought by as many people as possible. Secretly she knows that she has treasures just waiting to be shared with the world.
  • An other user asks: “Should I take up painting art professionally to earn a living?“ And about his situation: “I am trying to find my way professionally after a long period of unemployment, following a high stress, executive position from which I was terminated without cause. My mother was a professional artist, who died right after I lost my job. I grew up working with her and am very knowledgeable about art, own her equipment and materials, and used to do art when I was much younger.“
  • One user asked the I Ching where he was in his life and career and what he need to do next/focus on. Recently he quit his job and drastically changed careers, starting his own business and adjusting to a very different life.
  • A user has conversations with her partner in which she clearly discloses her emotional needs. She asks the I Ching whether the other person even understands what she is concerned about and whether these conversations are more likely to strengthen or end the relationship. The the I Ching’s answer for her is hexagram 45 – gathering together, which then develops into hexagram 47 – oppression. Apparently a decision has to be made. And she gradually asks herself where her own emotional needs are coming from at heart. She also realizes what relationship means to her, namely together, complementary, emotionally involved – but by no means oppression. The partners’ respective basic needs should match, otherwise the relationship should be left alone.
Weiterlesen: 45 – gathering together