16 – enthusiasm

Graphic hexagram 16

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm I received a couple of questions concerning quite different issues:

  • “How should I interpret my physical symptoms?”
  • “What point am I at right now?”
  • “Without success, I can not keep living. But success always includes some failure. How can I deal with this?”
  • “What do I have to give up to be happy?”

Weiterlesen: 16 – enthusiasm

32 – duration

Graphic hexagram 32Being truthful – that is a big word. How to get there? In many small steps, one after the other, until eventually one day we arrive: at self-centeredness. One with ourselves. Initially you may perceive your inner truth only vaguely. But by and by it intensifies. And one day you will start to express it. To the environment. Bravely. Uncensored.

Weiterlesen: 32 – duration

40 – deliverance

Graphic hexagram 40

Scope of Questions

Sometimes unexpected twists arise from what initially gave us uneasy feelings. Especially when we examine ambiguous emotional states with a clear head: are these gut feelings actually related to the current situation, to the here-and-now? A cool head may bring liberation. And gut feelings may cause avalanches. In any direction.

I received the following comments regarding hexagram 40 – Deliverance:Weiterlesen: 40 – deliverance

51 – arousing

Graphic hexagram 51

Scope of Questions
  • A user has recently been promoted, i.e. internally ascended to a higher position. But he does not get along with the new challenge: he feels not being taken seriously by colleagues and employees. His question to the I Ching: “How should I conduct myself?”
  • A user asks: “How can I resolve my unconscious fears and adjustment tendencies and live a truly independent and unsuited life?”
  • A user has sent work abroad and asks if at all, and if so, what kind of reaction he can expect: “Is now something coming into motion?”
  • A user constantly experiences conflict situations with his partner, with issues being discussed that have not been right for a long time. There are no other conversations than that. He is faced with the question – and he asks it to the I Ching – whether the relationship has ended.

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/788788.htm

54 – the marrying maiden

Graphic hexagram 54

Scope of Questions

The Marrying Maiden – what a programmatic title! Although hexagram  54 – The Marrying Maiden most probably speaks about beginnings (beyond partnership!) in general, I have received the corresponding request:

  •  A user asks: “What is the current state of our connection: Will we have a relationship?”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/778788.htm

55 – abundance

Graphic hexagram 55

Scope of Questions
  • A user asks the I Ching the following question: “How should I deal with my lack of jobs – and the corresponding low income? Is there maybe something good about the situation?” The I Ching’s answer is hexagram 55 – abundance. A wonderful response to a question which relates to scarcity…
  • A user writes: “Two weeks ago I decided to separate from my wife after 13 years of marriage. My question for the I Ching is, ‘What situation am I in?’”
  • A user asks: “My only son is leaving the house. I am currently not working. How should I deal with the future emptiness?”
  • A user asks how his professional situation will develop for him.
  • A user wants to buy an old oil mill in Italy to renovate and use it as a domicile. But everything keeps continuously getting delayed, while he lives in the mobile home and waits. The answer of the I Ching: 55 – abundance.
    Weiterlesen: 55 – abundance

62 – preponderance of the small

Graphic hexagram 62

Scope of Questions
  • The exam period is beginning. A user wants the best possible grades for her final exam. However, she feels she has not yet fully mastered the material. Should she postpone the exams? Her question to the I Ching: “Should I do the exams now?”
  • A user asks the following question: “Does he call me because he still has the same feelings as I do? Does he just call out of kindness? Does he call me because he misses me as much as I do? Does he still have feelings for me?” The I Ching’s answer is 62 – Preponderance of the Small.
  • The user’s newly moved-in neighbor repeatedly operates a device that disturbs the peace, triggers violent vibrations and sounds as if a moped was riding up and down in front of and under the apartment all the time. Neither the property management nor the police take the complaints seriously, but the user does not want to move either. His question to the I Ching: “What happens now with this situation?”
Case Study

Weiterlesen: 62 – preponderance of the small