01 – determination

Graphic hexagram 01“I, I, all I!” – How does it feel when I suddenly find myself at the very center, all by myself, undisturbed by the votes of others? Is it really quiet? Or do I still hear their voices in my head, defending myself in fiery speeches before absent parties? An interesting observation: I justify myself… why? Because I’m not the way I believe that they want me to be? But, here the consolation: awareness is already part of the healing.Weiterlesen: 01 – determination

14 – possession in great measure

Graphic hexagram 14“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip. It simply means to be all one with ourselves, knowing who we truly are, deep inside. To quietly and contentedly sit smiling. Just like… a Buddha.

And then, with inner peace and well rooted: return to the world. A world that constantly storms up on us, in all its richness. A world that touches us, inspires, enriches us, affects and sometimes presses us… What a diversity – what a chaos!

Weiterlesen: 14 – possession in great measure

28 – preponderance of the great

Scope of Questions

Graphic hexagram 28
For hexagram 28 – Preponderance of the Great users shared various – in part dramatic – situations with me. What is the common denominator? Eventually, how important it is, in the darkest moment, to be centered, to recollect on oneself: “I, I, all I!”Weiterlesen: 28 – preponderance of the great

32 – duration

Graphic hexagram 32Being truthful – that is a big word. How to get there? In many small steps, one after the other, until eventually one day we arrive: at self-centeredness. One with ourselves. Initially you may perceive your inner truth only vaguely. But by and by it intensifies. And one day you will start to express it. To the environment. Bravely. Uncensored.

Weiterlesen: 32 – duration

43 – break-through

Graphic hexagram 43“I, I, all I!” – all one with myself for a moment. All centered, undisturbed by the world’s demands. This is my moment for taking a deep breath. My moment to be just by myself… How does it feel, this, my innermost circle? What hides here, deep within my heart? Secret thoughts? Heartfelt wishes? Desirable objectives, life plans that I usually keep to myself?Weiterlesen: 43 – break-through

44 – coming to meet

Graphic hexagram 44

Scope of Questions

Several users have worked with Hexagram 44 – Coming to Meet and shared their questions:

  •  “I fell in love with a married man and now waver back and forth. My question: What is there to learn for me in this situation?”
  •  “Why does my sister currently treat me so nasty?”
  • “How should I deal with the frustration caused by my professional and private situation – a frustration I hardly can shake off?”
  • Another user on professional life: “What situation am I in concerning my self-employment?”
  • A mother whose children recently moved out: “I suffer from Empty Nest Syndrome and feel empty and without vision. What can I do to fill my life with new meaning?
  • Another user asks: “How can I better support myself?” He explains the background of his question as follows: “In the past I put myself under a lot of pressure, but now I realize that it was too much. Now, one part of myself is in resistance and almost doesn’t let me take another step (boycott). That is very frustrating. At the same time, now, whenever I devote myself to activities that really suit me, strength and desire come back. Even my face changes, I look years younger, within minutes.
  • One user asks: “Is my path to be continued passively or do I need expansive change?”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/877777.htm