14 – possession in great measure

“I, I, all I!” – No, this is not an ego trip. It simply means to be all one with ourselves, knowing who we truly are, deep inside. To quietly and contentedly sit smiling. Just like… a Buddha.

And then, with inner peace and well rooted: return to the world. A world that constantly storms up on us, in all its richness. A world that touches us, inspires, enriches us, affects and sometimes presses us… What a diversity – what a chaos!

Weiterlesen: 14 – possession in great measure

21 – biting through

Usually, when we take a decision and want to make a change, we assume that we have to act in a completely new way, to add something unprecedented to the already existing.

Sometimes, however, the solution lies in just the opposite: to do nothing – and to let go of something. Maybe of our self-image, a habit, our accustomed view on something, our habitual “but we always…”. Perhaps it is also our impulse to bang with our fist on the table and to push our will through.

Weiterlesen: 21 – biting through

30 – the clinging

Is it good for me – or is harmful? How can I find out? The easiest method is probably: to try it out. But before marching off we should carefully examine the whole situation. Nothing is ever so new to us that we have no prior experience at all. What do we already know? What is the situation’s background? Well-being? Stomach ache?

Weiterlesen: 30 – the clinging

35 – progress

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 35 – progress I received the following inquiries:

  • A user asks: “If I won the jackpot this week: How do I deal with the all that money?”
  • Another user asks: “What kind of approach / working method is best suitable for my artistic work?”
  • Another user wants to know what to expected “in terms of love, career and [his] life as a whole” in the upcoming year.
  • One user receives hexagram 35 – progress as a comment to his situation which he describes as follows: “I am heartbroken, financially broken and in deep depression. I am in love with NR, but she left me for no good reason.”
Weiterlesen: 35 – progress

38 – opposition

…and I return to the world: my (re-)birth!

What reactions do I get? What are the environment’s responses? Am I received with with open arms, listened to carefully? Or does nobody really care about what I have to say, preferring the old “me”? And, how do I respond? No, definitely not retelling the old, pleasing stories. But: my true story. Anything else would result in a false life and we know: there is no right life amidst wrongs.

Weiterlesen: 38 – opposition

56 – the wanderer

Scope of Questions

I received the following inquiry regarding hexagram 56 – the Wanderer:

  • The user’s question is: “What I can do to enjoy my life?”
    She describes her overall situation as follows: “I cannot bear disharmony with other people, it paralyzes my life force and makes me feel deeply depresses. At the same time I feel guilty and responsible for the situation. Therefore, after discord, I’m always the one who takes the first step, a pattern I follow since my childhood. I would really love to develop something like self love.”
  • One user writes: “I am self-employed as a parent coach. However, the business is not going well yet. My question to the I Ching: ‘Am I on the right track? Should I rethink my target group?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/887787.htm