08 – holding together

Scope of Questions

  • A user asks, “Where are my limits?” The I Ching’s answer is 08 – holding together.
  • A user asks, “What happens if I sign the license agreement now?”
  • A user receives hexagram 8 – holding together regarding his situation, which is characterized by great physical and psychological pain.
  • A user asks the I Ching: “How will I feel if I buy this house and live there?” She explains further: “On Monday, I have to decide whether I want to buy a house or not. And as this is a very far-reaching decision, I’m afraid of making the wrong choice. My current living situation has become unpleasant since I have a 16-year-old living below me who parties from Friday night to Sunday night. Reading a book or meditating has become difficult, trying to talk to the parents has failed. I don’t want to fight, I just want to live in peace.”
  • One user asks: “How do I behave sensibly in view of the current zeitgeist and my life situation?”
Weiterlesen: 08 – holding together

15 – modesty

Scope of Questions

  • A user is very exhausted by the situation he is in at the moment: a lot of (creative) chaos, construction sites, everything is very demanding. He knows that he should let go of all kinds of things, but he doesn’t know where to start. He asks the I Ching for advice and receives hexagram 15 – Modesty as an answer.
  • After a phone call with her husband a user got stomach cramps and vomiting. And suddenly she had the answer in her head: “You have to get a divorce.” Since then she feels deep inner peace, contentment – and no resentment at all. When she later consults the I Ching, the answer is hexagram 15 – Modesty.
  • “Where does the poison in my life come from?” asks a user. “Does it come from the outside or the inside? What is the source of my blockages – and what is it that always gets me tripped up in the end?”
  • One user describes his situation as follows: “We don’t feel very comfortable here in the village and in our house and wonder whether we should change. However, our daughter enjoys the location here very much.”
Weiterlesen: 15 – modesty

16 – enthusiasm

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 16 – Enthusiasm I received a couple of questions concerning quite different issues:

  • “How should I interpret my physical symptoms?”
  • “What point am I at right now?”
  • “Without success, I can not keep living. But success always includes some failure. How can I deal with this?”
  • “What do I have to give up to be happy?”
  • A user asks the I Ching about a medical procedure.
Weiterlesen: 16 – enthusiasm

21 – biting through

Usually, when we take a decision and want to make a change, we assume that we have to act in a completely new way, to add something unprecedented to the already existing.

Sometimes, however, the solution lies in just the opposite: to do nothing – and to let go of something. Maybe of our self-image, a habit, our accustomed view on something, our habitual “but we always…”. Perhaps it is also our impulse to bang with our fist on the table and to push our will through.

Weiterlesen: 21 – biting through

29 – the abysmal

Scope of Questions

So far the following feedbacks regarding regarding hexagram 29 – the Abysmal:

  • Due to circumstances beyond her control a user lives in an international long distance relationship. Her libertarian partner does fine with it, for herself it is a “better-than-nothing”: Basically the situation does not work for her.
  • Another user reflects on a glassy sea over shoals as follows: “For me, a glassy sea brings the following to mind: keeping everything quiet. From the outside, everything looks calm, however, under the glassy surface there are enormous emotional shoals. These shoals are the ancient behavioral patterns that have been passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. I myself, as part of this chain, am without any influence on it, my consciousness / body consciousness does not react at all to my wishes for liberation or change. The result is that I am actually incapable of action. I can rebel against the unwanted circumstances, but when my strength is used up, I am left with only resignation. In my case it’s a cycle that has been going on for more than 50 years now.”
  • The user’s landlady terminated his lease for personal use – after less than a year and a lot of money for renovation work. With three children and a dog, however, it is not easy to find an affordable replacement apartment. The lawyer advises calm. The question to the I Ching is, “Will there be a lawsuit and how will it turn out for us?”
  • One user asks: “How can I now find joy, peace and hope – as the last scion of a thorny family drama, impoverished, chronically exhausted, in inner emigration? Must the family always have the last word, may we not decide our own relationships and connections?”
    The I Ching answers with 29 – the abysmal.
  • One user asks: “Will I ever be able to open up to a partner or love again?”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/878878.htm

35 – progress

Scope of Questions

Regarding hexagram 35 – progress I received the following inquiries:

  • A user asks: “If I won the jackpot this week: How do I deal with the all that money?”
  • Another user asks: “What kind of approach / working method is best suitable for my artistic work?”
  • Another user wants to know what to expected “in terms of love, career and [his] life as a whole” in the upcoming year.
  • One user receives hexagram 35 – progress as a comment to his situation which he describes as follows: “I am heartbroken, financially broken and in deep depression. I am in love with NR, but she left me for no good reason.”
Weiterlesen: 35 – progress

39 – obstruction

Scope of Questions

A user suffers from not having any real contact with people. She asks the I Ching: “What will arise for me from keeping a dream diary? I do have the impression that it will work for me – and that perhaps it will even help me to bridge stagnation and isolation.” The idea of possibly publishing her diary and thereby accepting her life as it is has something redeeming, liberating for her.

Weiterlesen: 39 – obstruction

51 – arousing

Scope of Questions

  • A user has recently been promoted, i.e. internally ascended to a higher position. But he does not get along with the new challenge: he feels not being taken seriously by colleagues and employees. His question to the I Ching: “How should I conduct myself?”
  • A user asks: “How can I resolve my unconscious fears and adjustment tendencies and live a truly independent and unsuited life?”
  • A user has sent work abroad and asks if at all, and if so, what kind of reaction he can expect: “Is now something coming into motion?”
  • A user constantly experiences conflict situations with his partner, with issues being discussed that have not been right for a long time. There are no other conversations than that. He is faced with the question – and he asks it to the I Ching – whether the relationship has ended.

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/788788.htm

52 – keeping still

Scope of Questions

I received a variety of questions regarding hexagram 52 – keeping still:

  • A user consults the I Ching with the following concern: “How can I get to work independently in my profession?” She adds: “This year I attended a professional training. Ever since I play with the idea of working independently, self-employed, to develop a new supporting leg. The professional training’s speaker has really impressed me a lot. And anyway, for some time now I feel like trying out some new methods and professional approaches.” The I Ching replies with hexagram 52 – keeping still.
  • Another user asks, “May I heal with Reiki and alternative methods?” The user works as a butcher, his learned profession, but this becomes more and more a burden, especially because this environment does not share his spiritual interests. For more than 15 years now he has been intensively engaged with Reiki and has great respect for this kind of work. Hence his reserved question whether he may help others with Reiki.
  • Another user receives  hexagram 52 – keeping still as a comment to his situation: “I find myself in a hopeless situation. Nothing is possible!”
  • A user asks: “What is the best way to stop smoking?” The advice of the I Ching: hexagram 52 – keeping still.
  • One user is afraid to quit her job (and thus a stable income) with no prospect of a new one. The job market is difficult. However, she has an upcoming interview with a 25 percent chance because she is one of four applicants in the second round. She is very interested in this new job.
  • One user asks: “What is relevant in the current situation in relation to my partner?”
  • A user writes: “Today I was once again impressed by the depth of this site and am currently digesting the story about the cook/oxen. Very exciting – thank you!”
Weiterlesen: 52 – keeping still

53 – development

Scope of Questions

  • A user writes: “The development was sketched out, but I refused to see it. My inability to have a healthy relationship let me only see myself, never community. Now there is this gap, I’m all alone.
    Actually there has been a gap since quite some time.”
  • A user: “We have fallen in love with each other, but he remains at a distance. What exactly does he want from me? Will we have a common future?”
  • Another user: “I do not know what to do. My husband has no interest in me anymore.”
  • A user describes his situation as follows: “My partner went to her homeland for a one-month holidays. Alone as I am now, I feel lost. My reason to come back from abroad to my homeland and to paralyze my doctorate studies was to be with her. And now she is far away from me. By other side, I feel that, if I do not define or find what I want to do (my career), I cannot go back. I feel fear. My question to the I Ching: What should I know?”*
  • A user asks: “How can I defeat the inner and outer demons (especially the inner ones) once and for all so that I no longer harm myself and others?”
  • A user spontaneously proposed to his partner on the phone. He then asked the I Ching what it could tell him about it. The answer: Hexagram 53 – the development.
  • One user has the following question for the I Ching: “Does the man I love also love me?” So far, the relationship has mainly taken place in her dreams, in reality there is silence.
  • A user asks: “Where is H. at the moment, how is she?”
Weiterlesen: 53 – development

60 – limitation

Scope of Questions

  • The user’s question is: “What is there to say about the city / area where I live?” The user has lived in this place for a long time, but always with a feeling of alienation, uneasiness, like a prisoner. At the same time he feels gratitude – but also burden, boredom.
    The answer of the I Ching is: 60 – limitation. Somehow he likes the interpretation with humus. A similar sentence has accompanied him for a long time, a sentence that speaks about flowers that need exactly this kind soil/dung to grow.
  • The question of the user: “What is important now, in this existentially threatening situation?” The background, as he explains, is that new projects are developing which give him justified hope. He feels that he should nurture hope and at the same time take the chaos (in the form of his living environment) more easily. There is a lot to be cleared up, and this mountain of work together with old fears almost paralyze him. But at the same time he feels hope, a light that gives him courage and says: Everything is good.
  • A user asks how he should behave in the cooperation that is about to begin. He actually feels superior to his partner because of his greater experience and would like to set the pace. On the other hand, it is clear that his counterpart will manage and coordinate the entire project.
  • One user asks: “When will Max the dachshund return to his owner? Will he even come back?”
  • One user writes: “I’ve started a new job and I’m realizing that I’m becoming more and more overwhelmed with the work requirements. At first I thought that the project would open up to me as I got used to it, but now I realize that I am more exhausted and drained every day. My question to the I Ching is: ‘How can I solve the situation? What should I do?'”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/778878.htm