47 – oppression

Graphic hexagram 47

Scope of Questions

Here some questions and also a very individual interpretation of hexagram 47 – Oppression:

  • “How well developed is my ability to have relationships?”
  • “Why is my own life, my urge for self expression, so massively blocked by external needs this year? How can I resolve the conflict?

When working with hexagram 47 – Oppression the user developed his reading of the hexagram which I reproduce here:

  • “My impulse to express myself artistically is absolutely fine. This impulse results in my energy, the outer impulses (= external needs) bring inspiration and enrich my self-expression. They both procedurally belong together; the subjective is fertilized by encounter and vice versa. There is no contradiction, and it will cost no extra energy – as long as I am aware of it!”

Here a few more questions regarding hexagram 47 – oppression:

  • One user asks: “How about a short trip to XY this week?”
  • Another user writes: “Right now I’m in an acute emergency situation with my apartment, but I can’t move away easily either. Therefore, my question to the I Ching was, ‘What will it come down to with my housing situation – leave or stay?’. The answer was hexagram 47 – oppression. I then asked ‘How will I get out of the distress?’ and received hexagram 23 – splitting apart for the answer.”

The current interpretation can be found here: https://www.no2do.com/hexagramme_en/878778.htm